Test Mode

This mode prevents any test alarm signals going through the alarm attendance procedures, where alarm sounds are generated and attendance reports are required. The signals are still logged, but are all treated as benign signals. Test mode is generally used if a technician is on site, or a zone has gone faulty and you are waiting for the technician to fix it. As a safety precaution the test mode will time out and clear after the number of hours specified in the Test Mode Active Until field. If you wish the test mode to stay active indefinitely, you can do this by selecting the Offline option.

There are 3 modes available:

  1. Temporary: Test mode will be enabled from the start time until the expiry time.
  2. Schedule: Test mode will be enabled according to the selected schedule. This option can be used to stop alarms generating at particular times of the week.
  3. Offline: Test mode is always enabled.

Test Mode Icon When Test Mode is active, this Icon will appear in the left hand area of the Client Window (next to the Site Status and Attend Alarm Icons)

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